The Great Seal of the Town of Saugus, Massachusetts

Commission to Unveil Saugus Center Walking Tour

In conjunction with the Saugus Historical Society's annual Strawberry Festival, the Saugus Historical Commission will unveil a self-guided walking tour of Saugus Center on June 18, 2005. The tour covers historic properties identified by the Commission for possible inclusion in a Saugus Center National Register District. A free brochure with the tour route and information about each property will be available at the Saugus Historical Society at 30 Main St. and at its publications sales table at the Strawberry Festival. Copies will also be available at the Saugus Public Library.

The brochure may be downloaded (legal size paper required) from here.

Breakheart Reservation Parkways Listed On National Register

On August 11, 2003, the Breakheart Reservation Parkways (see earlier story below) were accepted by the National Park Service for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. This brings to four the number of properties in Saugus listed on the National Register, the nation's official list of buildings, districts, sites, structures, and objects which retain their historical character and are important to our local, state, or national history.

Commission to Review Demolition of 102 Central Street (Ghost Dog House)

At its June 9, 2003, meeting (6:30 p.m., Local History Room, Saugus Public Library) the Commission will review the demolition permit application submitted by Peter S. Confalone Construction Co. for 102 Central Street. This structure is listed on the Commission's Inventory of Cultural and Historic Resources and is described as being the "finest example" of the Bungalow style of houses and is unusual in its use of stone as a construction material. The proposed demolition, which also includes the separate garage, is in conjunction with a new housing development. Further information on the architectural and historical significance of this structure can be found in the entry for the building on the Commission's Inventory page.

Any comments regarding this proposed demolition should be directed to the Commission via e-mail (

State Nominates Parkway Roads to National Register

At its December 11, 2002, meeting, the Massachusetts Historical Commission voted to forward two National Register nominations to the Keeper of the National Register. Both relate to parkways under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan District Commission.

  1. Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston: Lynn Fells Parkway (Melrose, Saugus)
  2. Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston: Breakheart Reservation Parkways (Saugus, Wakefield) -- Includes Forest Street, Pine Tops Road, and Elm Road, Saugus; and Hemlock Road, Wakefield

We will post additional information on these nominations as soon as we receive copies of the relevant forms.

Town Meeting Passes Review By-law

On June 24, 2002, by a vote of 38-3, the Annual Town Meeting passed Article 37, which, as amended, reads as follows:

Voted to add a new subsection to the Town of Saugus By Laws as follows:

506.05 Historical Commission Review

It is the policy of the Town that all proposed work on Town-owned buildings, including schools, over thirty years old, other than routine repairs in kind and repainting, be reviewed by the Historical Commission prior to commencement for the purpose of ensuring the preservation of the integrity of the Town's historic municipal structures. Such review shall be accomplished within a period of 25 working days from submission by the Town Manager.

The Commission thanks the Town Meeting for again demonstrating the commitment of the Town to the preservation of its historic municipal structures.

Cliftondale School