The Great Seal of the Town of Saugus, Massachusetts

The Town of Saugus
Building Committee

What We Are

The Building Committee is officially defined by Section 504.00 of the Saugus By-Laws, but in summary it is a nine member committee that reports to Town Meeting in an advisory capacity about the condition of all public buildings with the intent of:

  1. Verifying that the buildings are safe
  2. Ensuring that the tax money being spent on the buildings is being spent wisely

One Committee member described the Committee's goals as follows:

Our job is to uncover problems.

The Building Committee has the right to inspect all town public buildings, the right to inspect construction in progress of these buildings, and the right to view all contracts, correspondence, and official papers concerning the construction of these buildings.

Do you have a question about the safety of a Saugus public building? Feel free to send your questions and comments via this handy online form.

Who We Are

The members of the Building Committee are appointed by the Town Moderator and an attempt is made to select people with a variety of backgrounds including: Construction, Architecture, Engineering, Plumbing, Heating, Electrical, and anything else the Moderator feels will be an asset to the Committee. At least one member of the Building Committee should also be an elected member of Town Meeting.

The current Building Committee members include:

Currently there is one opening we are seeking a local electrician who would be interested in serving on this committee.

When We Meet

The Building Committee usually has a public meeting each month, typically on the first Monday at 7:00 PM. The location varies. Usually it will be announced in the Saugus Community Event Calendar, but keep in mind that the location for Committee meetings is not decided too far in advance.