Where We Are
The Saugus Town Clerk's Office is located in the Town Hall, 298 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906 on the first floor level. Our telephone number is: 781-231-4101.
Who We Are
- Town Clerk:
- Ellen J. Schena
What We Do
The Town Clerk's Office has numerous responsibilities relating to vital records, local by-laws, public meetings, and various licenses in addition to elections and the annual census. We'll cover each here in turn.
Vital Records
The Town Clerk records and preserves all original birth, death, and marriage records. If the birth or death of a resident occurred elsewhere a resident copy may be obtained in Saugus.
Certified copies of Marriage Certificates may only be obtained in the community where the Marriage Intention was filed.
Certified copies are available upon request for a fee of $10.00 for a long form. A long form is needed to apply for a passport.
A short form or card is $5.00. A card is sufficient for identification purposes, such as social security, driver's license, sports organizations, etc.
Requests may be sent by mail, with a check payable to the Town of Saugus and a stamped self-addressed envelope.
Requests for genealogical information will be processed as workload allows. A charge will be made for a detailed search after the first 15 minutes.
The Town of Saugus By-Laws are available in paper copy from the Town Clerk's Office. The fee is $15.00 at present. The Town of Saugus Zoning By-Laws are available in paper copy from the Inspectional Services Department. The fee is $15.00 at present. All of these are also available online through Saugus.net at no charge. Paper copies should always be used for official purposes.
Public Meetings
All public meetings are posted in the Town Clerk's Office on the bulletin board and in the record book. Public meetings are also generally posted online on the Saugus Community Events Calendar. A 48 hour notice is required to comply with the Open Meeting Law. See Massachusetts General Law Chapter 39, Section 23A, 23B, and 23C.
Dog Licenses
See Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 140, Section 136 A, and the Town of Saugus By-Laws.
Every dog 3 months or older must be licensed and tagged. To obtain a dog license a valid rabies certificate is required. Saugus has adopted a By-Law calling for a 24-hour Leach Law. All dog licenses expire March 31 of each year and must be renewed annually. New licenses are usually available the last week of March.
The fee for spayed or neutered dogs is $12.00.
The fee for unspayed or unneutered dogs is $15.00.
There is a $20.00 late fee added after June 30.
Election and Registration
The Town Clerk is also a member of the Town of Saugus Board of Registrars. There are three other members, a total of 4 in all. Two members are from the Republican Party and two members are from the Democratic Party.
The Town Clerk is the Chief Election Officer and oversees polling places, election officers and the general conduct of all elections, supervises voter registration, absentee balloting, and prepares records and reports official election results to the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth.
If you're unsure of your precinct or where you should be voting, you can look them up here provided you know your address.
Results from prior elections (back through 1998) can be found online at Saugus.net.
If you are interested in possibly working at any of the polls, please call the office at 781-231-4101.
Annual Town Census
The Annual Town Census is conducted in January of February of each year. A Census Form is sent to each listed household in the Town. Residents are asked to complete or update the form and return it to the Town Clerk. A Street Listing Book is prepared from the Census. It is very important that these forms be returned as Census results are used to determine school eligibility, state aid, grants, community planning, and resident eligibility.
To file for a Marriage License, Party A and Party B must come into the Clerk's Office together and file their Marriage Intentions. The fee is $30.00, which includes one certified copy.
There is a three (3) day waiting period after Intentions are filed, provided Medical Certificates are on file.
The Marriage License is good for 60 days from filing of Marriage Intentions.
Uniform Commercial Code Financing Statements and Terminations (UCCs) are filed with the Secretary of State's Office. All State tax liens are filed in the Clerk's Office.
The Filing Fee for UCC Search is $10.00 plus $2.00 for each additional page.
The Filing Fee for Termination is $10.00.
Variances and Special Permits
Board of Appeals
All Board of Appeals decisions are filed with the Clerk's Office. There is a 20 day appeal period from the date stamped in at the Clerk's Office. Certified copies stating no appeal was taken are issued on the 21st day and thereafter.
The cost of certifying a variance is $5.00.
Board of Selectmen
All Board of Selectmen Special Permits are filed with the Clerk's Office. There is a 20 day appeal period from the date stamped in at the Clerk's Office. Certified copies stating no appeal was taken are issued on the 21st day and thereafter.
The cost of certifying a Special Permit is $5.00.
See Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40 A and the Town of Saugus Zoning By-Laws.
Planning Board
See Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 41, Sections 70-72 and the Town of Saugus Zoning By-Laws.
All Subdivision applications and plans, Site Plan Review Action, and Hillside Protection applications and permits are filed in the Clerk's Office. All Approval Not Required (ANR) Plans are filed with the Clerk's Office.
There is a 20 day appeal period from the date stamped in at the Clerk's Office. Certified copies stating no appeal was taken are issued on the 21st day and thereafter. The cost of certifying no appeal is $5.00. Al copies of appeals are filed with the Clerk.
Town Meeting
The Town Clerk prepares all Town Meeting warrants from articles that are accepted by the Board of Selectmen and attends all Town Meetings; prepares and files the record of the meetings, prepares appropriation sheets and submits all zoning by-law and town by-law amendments to the Attorney General for approval.
Hunting and Fishing
Hunting and Sporting licenses are issued in the Clerk's Office. A prior hunting license from Massachusetts or any other state, or a valid Firearms Identification Card, is required.
Fishing and Trapping Licenses are also issued in the Clerk's Office. Certain individuals may be eligible for a free license. For more information, contact the Clerk's Office.
See Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 271.
Raffle Permit applications and licenses are available in the Clerk's Office. Applications must first be submitted in triplicate to the Police Chief for approval. The fee is $10.00 for those approved. Certain requirements must be met to be eligible. For more information, contact the Clerk's Office.
Business Certificates
See Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 110, Section 5.
Business Certificate applications and instructions are available in the Clerk's Office. Business Certificates are issued from the Clerk's Office. The fee is $35.00 that includes one certified copy. Business Certificates are good for four years.
Saugus Forums
There are a large number of Saugus message boards available including a discussion of Saugus politics.