Saugus Inventory - Areas / Streetscapes
Areas and streetscapes are places where a group of related resources such as houses, commercial buildings, etc., when taken together, reflect a particular period of development or historic theme. The listing is arranged by neighborhoods. Letters denote the Massachusetts Historical Commission Inventory designation for the area.
- Cliftondale Building Area
- Cliftondale Square
- Ernest St. Streetscape
- Lincoln Ct. Streetscape
- Clifton St. Streetscape
- Stone St. Streetscape
East Saugus
- East Saugus
- Lincoln Ave. Streetscape
- Morton St. Streetscape
Newburyport Turnpike
- Saugus Pines Motor Court
North Saugus
- Walnut St. Streetscape
Pleasant Hills
- Denver St. Streetscape
- Essex St. Streetscape
- Tuttle St. Streetscape
Saugus Center
- Columbus Ave. Streetscape
- Main Street Area
- Pearson St. Streetscape
- Riverside Cemetery
- Saugus Iron Works
"Official NPS website"
- Taylor St. Streetscape
Potential National Register Districts
The 1986 Inventory identified four potential National Register Districts. At the present time, the Commission is pursuing the nomination of the Saugus Center National Register District.
Saugus Center
- "Including old and new Town Halls, Civil War Monument, Revolutionary War Cemetary, and other public and private buildings in the general area bounded by Foster, Taylor, Summer, and Main Streets. This district could potentially be enlarged to include houses and commercial and religious buildings along Central Street to the intersection of Central and Winter Streets."
Textile Mill District
- "Including Pranker, Iroquois, and Scott Mills as well as workers housing along Central Street that is associated with them."
East Saugus
- Including houses and commercial and religious buildings along Lincoln Avenue and Chestnut Street from their intersection at the Saugus River to their intersection with Ballard and Winter Streets.
Cliftondale Square
- "Including residential, commercial, and religious buildings along Lincoln Avenue and Essex Street from Eustis Street through Cliftondale Square to Central Street. Also included will be the residential neighborhood that includes Myrtle and Mount Vernon Streets and Jackson Street."