The Great Seal of the Town of Saugus, Massachusetts

The Town of Saugus
Town Meeting

Who We Are

Town Meeting is a 50-member elected body representative of the entire Town. Five Members are elected from each of the Ten Precincts for terms of two years. The Town Moderator is then elected from the ranks of the Town Meeting Members by the Town Meeting Members themselves.

What We Do

Town Meeting is essentially the legislative body of Saugus Town Government. All changes to by-laws are made by it. Furthermore, all budgeting is handled by Town Meeting, with direct line-item control over the Town-Side budget, and final approval of the School-Side budget prepared by the School Committee. Before coming before the general Town Meeting, both budgets go through the Finance Committee (a body appointed by the Town Moderator) who make recommendations to the general body. Town Meeting also keeps tabs on various other goings-on in Town, and has permanent committees (like the Building Committee) and temporary committees (like the Sign By-Law Committee and Traffic Study Committee) appointed by the Town Moderator to assist in these endeavors.

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When We Meet

Town Meeting has one multi-session, multi-night Annual Meeting per year. It also has one or more (frequently multi-session, multi-night) Special Meetings each year. Meetings will always be announced in the Community Events Calendar.

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